Hand sanitizer kiosks have become a common feature in public areas and even in our homes. Sanitizing your hands may be as easy as pulling out your iPod and using your sanitizer. The sanitizing agents are usually contained in a sanitizer bottle that is carried by the user. However, for those who enjoy the convenience of not carrying bottles with them, there are also separate machines available.

Kiosks come in a variety of styles, designs and configurations. Some companies have built-in sanitizers built into the kiosk, providing an extra convenience. For those with limited space, there are compact models that can fit in a corner of the room, out of the way of other decorations and easily stored under the bed. Larger, more elaborate kiosks that include built-in sanitizers can be mounted on walls or in other strategic locations. The newest types of kiosks, especially those that incorporate LCD screens, have a clear display of what is on the front of the canister, allowing the customer to see right to the label. For some businesses, kiosks equipped with touch screens are preferred due to the ease of entering personal information.
In addition to the sanitizing agent, many models will contain instructions on how to use the hand sanitizer, as well as other information about cleaning or health practices. These kiosks come in a variety of sizes, colors and designs, which means that they are suitable for almost any business. While larger establishments with more sanitizing agents may require several different models, a smaller business may only require one or two floor standing units. Depending on the location, floor standing units are sometimes located near the restrooms, where they can be used on a daily basis.
While many kiosks still use a paper or plastic sanitizing agent, new technology has made it possible to sanitize dishes or utensils using water droplets or air pressure. While these methods do not eliminate germs, they do eliminate the need for the traditional, bulky paper or plastic container. Many newer cloud-based sanitizing kiosks include touch screen options, making them easy to use even by children. Sanitizing solutions that use either cloud-based software or a point-of-sale touch screen sanitizing agent eliminate waste, shorten the time spent disinfecting and sanitizing items and improve customer experience.
Cloud-based software programs are designed to manage everything from billing to payroll by transmitting everything through a universal network. A company simply needs to install the appropriate software and the kiosk will begin to function immediately. Once the system is set up, sanitizing solutions can be accessed from any location via touch screens or a keyboard. The ease of use for these types of kiosks makes them very useful for both the consumer and commercial environment, allowing businesses to maintain compliance with national and local sanitizing requirements while maintaining a strong digital presence.
Point-of-sale touch screen kiosks allow a cashier to determine if a customer requires a sanitizer along with offering the option to make a refilling call if needed. The same goes for sanitizer refills–if a customer requires a refill but does not want to leave his or her table, a quick swipe of the card will let the dispenser know that the customer wishes to refill the container. Some models allow the dispenser to display the refill location next to the cash register, letting customers easily make a choice before leaving their table. A sanitizer station can also be combined with a countertop sanitizing station, which allows customers to purchase sanitizer right then and there without having to get up from their seats.
The Sanitizer Kiosk is a part of a new wave of vending machines that combine customer service with a digital touch screen. Some machines simply require a finger print scan to approve a sanitizer refill, but other models include a refill request, photo album, or digital display that allows the customer to choose from among a multitude of options. A growing trend in this industry is to incorporate social media into the mix of sanitizer replenishment. Some machines have integrated social media icons that allow customers to add friends and receive updates regarding their sanitizing experiences.
The most common type of sanitizer kiosk is a mobile and pop-up version that is often installed in restaurants, airports, hotels, and other similar venues. These units allow patrons to use a sanitizer with a simple push of a button, eliminating the need to stand in line at the cash register. They are often accompanied by a sanitizer dispensing cup, which allows a person to refresh themselves with a selection of brands of mouthwash. Some newer models offer a digital display that displays up to nine different brands of sanitizer, as well as a refill container, a nozzle for dispensing the solution, and a metal enclosure to keep the liquid inside the unit.