Livewire s new Wireless Network Infrastructure Kiosk Applications and Digital Signage Systems is for you. The Livewire Kiosk (WMI) was developed for use as a wireless infrastructure control and modem access point for electronic data interchange. It provides a high bandwidth, low cost method for conducting wirelessly via wireless networks. WMI allows for wireless connection to be established either over the public switched network (PSTN), private (intranet) or an internet connection over a private LAN. As this is a new product it may have some kinks to work out, but as it becomes more popular it may become a standard feature in most new buildings.
A wayfinder allows you to place your wireless router into a convenient location where customers, vendors, employees or customers can easily access your wireless system. You can then use the wayfinder to serve up your advertisement on the display. When a potential customer enters the premises of your business they will be shown the way to your wireless wayfinder. Once they are on the display and see their wayfinder, they will be ready to enter your premises.
The other benefit to having a wayfinder is that it gives you a piece of mind. By knowing where you are, where your customers are and how long you have been there, you can provide better service. People tend to place businesses in convenient places, like close to their homes, schools or on busy roads. This may not be practical for every business and there are always businesses which cannot get away with having a wayfinder on the premises. Also, many hotels, motels, guest houses, hospitals and military bases already have wayfinders so they do not need to find somewhere else to place them.
There are many companies that offer wayfinder software and they can create an attractive website for your business that you can control from anywhere in the world. By creating your own website, you can update information on sales, promotions and new services. You can also manage the software remotely and this in itself is a valuable wayfinder tool.
Wayfinder software may also give you access to the internet which enables you to advertise your wayfinder to all your potential customers. When you advertise on the internet, you are reaching more people than you would by conventional advertising methods. By building up a mailing list of your contacts, you can send out regular newsletters to inform them about special offers and sales. You may also choose to inform people about promotions by emailing them or posting it on your website.
In conclusion, wayfinder software is the answer to many business problems. It is cost effective and it is easy to use. By having a wayfinder on your premises, you can increase your profits and increase customer numbers. If you decide to buy this software, make sure that you get the right deal.